This week me and my two roommates decided to tie dye some shoes. I had never even heard of this before. But it is shockingly easy, and cheap! We went to Wal-Mart and got some five dollar shoes. We then got three things of dye, yellow, pink, and blue. We made all the colors from them. Note: these dyes can be found by the laundry, not the crafty part of the store.
We then laid out plastic grocery bags on the counter. We boiled salt water and poured in the dye. I wasn't the one doing that part but we didn't need to use a ton of dye and about a bowl full of water. We put each of the three colors into a bowl and then took some sponge brushes (that we got for less than a dollar) and went to town!
The colors mixed crazy well and the soles wouldn't absorb any of the dye so it was no problem keeping them clean. We then tightly wrapped each one in a plastic grocery bag and let it sit overnight. In the morning we rinsed them off for awhile and then set them out all day to dry. That night we did use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process, but by morning they were perfect. It also rained all day the first day I wore them (the first day they were dry enough to be worn. I was excited and impatient!) and they didn't bleed at all.
This was a super easy and simple craft that made the cutest shoes! I hope you all enjoyed!
Wishing you smiles and happiness,