This past Saturday I found myself playing in a tournament of a sport I had literally never heard of before, sitting volleyball. Its a simple idea, take volleyball, make the court smaller, lower the net, and everyone's butt better be on the ground. I spent four hours shuffling 'round on my rear end and accumulating bruises and sore muscles for my legs to bare. If you are still confused here is the lovely USofA in London
Shockingly enough, our makeshift team was good enough to win the rec tournament! At pretty much every university to have ever existed, the IM champion shirts are coveted items, because it truly does take blood sweat and tears to earn them. It was so exciting to be awarded this years IM champion shirt after the adventure of learning a new sport.
Remember to try new things even if you think you might be terrible at it or it ay be a terrible experience, because you may just turn out being good at it and having a blast along the way :)
Wishing you all smiles and happiness,